A Survivor's Guide to All Things Coffee

Welcome! This site was conceptualized to give you an overview of various aspects of one of my favorite things in the world: coffee. Enjoy!

Most Common Drinks

Best Places to Get Coffee in NYC and Beyond

To Grind or Not to Grind? - Home Brewing Tips & Tricks

New to coffee but want to make a great cup at home? No problem! Buy a good coffee pot & a good grinder.

Option 1: Blade Grinder - cheapest option and usually plug into the wall and the longer you push the button the finer the grind.

Option 2: Burr Grinder - Slightly more expensive but it is easier to control coarseness of the grind and the amount of cups you want the coffee grounds to ultimately brew. It also plugs into the wall like the blade grinder.

Option 3: Nespresso or Keurig: The most expensive option but also the most foolproof. Both of these brands brew espresso and coffee respectively and come in a variety of shapes & sizes. All you have to do is buy the pods and make sure to refill the water when needed.

Tasting Notes of Worldwide Brews

The three major coffee producing regions of the world are: Africa, the Americas, and Asia.

In Africa, Kenya, Ethopia, and Rwanda are the major producers. Coffee from these countries tends to taste like:

In the Americas, coffee is a very important product with the following countries as its top producers: Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Colombia & Brazil. Coffee from this part of the world tends to take on flavors of:

Asia's 3 major coffee producers are India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Their coffee tastes like:

Contact Me

Thanks so much for visiting my site! If you have any questions, comments, or job opportunities, do not hesitate to contact me.
